PoliticalModeling.com: District Targeter

Each dot represents a Congressional District, with its size proportional to total receipts this cycle. The y-axis shows the fraction of receipts by the Democratic candidate(s), while the x-axis is an approximation of the lean of the district (with a 7.5 point correction if the incumbent has been nominated).

Click on the points, or enter a district in the textbox to see the breakdown of contributions by candidates, or hover over a point to see additional information.

For suggestions and whatnot, feel free to contact me at drdavegoldberg@gmail.com.

Find a Race (e.g. PA-03):

Generic D-R: -20 20
Include Undecided Primaries

Include Completed Primaries

Serious Contenders Only

Uncontested in 2016 Only

Uncontested in 2014 Only
